Swastika T-shirts Stickers Buttons

Swastika Free Books

Here you find all the free books themed on the Swastika https://www.mediafire.com/folder/ms9g4ggbef6bs/Free_Books

Swastikablog 5 years

55 artists, friends of the blog, sended a present to the Swastikablog to celebrate the 5 years of it. The biggest part of the world is presented in this Pdf Ebook. Download for free enjoy en share but treat them like you would if they were your artwork and please respect and credit the artists. Download here. http://www.mediafire.com/download/m2twrcsuocdwi74/5_years_SwastikaBlog.pdf Euan Thomson, Alice, Boz Mugabe, Deryn Twelve, Swinging Arms, Sean Fitzgerald, Amber Elliott, Loki Dale, Pippo Mandala, Jondix Mahashakti, Rodrigo Vergara Tamayo, Pedro Buigues, Ethnogenic Artkore, Iestyn, Carolyn Moore, Little Swastika - Marc, Crispin Vegas, Remco Talsma, Gunther Iscariot, Kike Bugni, Todd Michael Roberts, Bildkraft durch Mooses, David Kalalo, Jason Harris, Gina Geene, Sinjun, Pierre Bong, Natalie Sedyakina, Phil & Joanna - Anthakarana, Tytto Tatau, Jan Fibiger, Tantratek, Peter Walrus Madsen, Zorro, Gekko Tattoo, Hernan Polako, Matthijs van der Geest, Robyn Nomadical, Gino Gajadien, Ferank Manseed, Vicky Depuydt, Petor de Jong, Pajaro Carreira, Marc Inkk Atkinson, Cammy Stewart, Alec Ratcliffe, Παναγιώτης Μαρίνης, Γεώργιος Γεωργιάδης, Mark Boyle, Pat Bodyart, Louise Kilesa, Jiminy Albion, Anonymous Gift ManWoman.

Swastika Marillier Le Svastika

Le Svastika - Bernard Marillier Download the book here..

Swastika Nigel Penninck

Today i discovered that my friend Ferank uploaded a article about the Swastika written by Nigel Penninck in 1979. I gathered the whole paginas togheter and made this pdf file. Download here.

Swastika Tunic

Myoshka launched his first own line here his words: After multiple collaborative projects (and some non-collaborative ones), finally an independent Myoshka product. For those of you who couldn't afford the art, or Maharishi's prices... this ones for you 卐

Swastika Flower of Life

This week i received some stickers from my friend Andy and he's selling them for costprize if your intrested send him a mail at zurraesondalang@gmx.de

Swastika Svastika

Radek Fiksa who put this book together send me today a copy. It's written in Czech but i like the pictures too!!